Tuesday, 3 April 2012


 Today I thought I would show you how a drawing progresses. First the initial sketch layout is pencilled in. I like to work on the eyes first. Some artists start at one corner and work to completion each portion of the drawing as they move across the paper. I like to get the whole face on the page and then go back and 'fine tune' it. I almost always do the eyes first as, to be honest, it 'creeps me out' to have a face with no eyes:)

Here the face is 'roughed in' with basic shading. I will do the hair last as
 it must frame the finished face.
The basic face is complete, with some fine tuning still to be done, and I start on the hair.
Peripheral body parts and clothing come next...

I go back over the portrait and touch up where needed...and here is the finished portrait of "Colleen" - about 15 hours