Saturday, 10 September 2011

A third and 2 firsts!

After being talked into entering some work into the local fall fair Fine Art competition I tried not to think about it too much. This is the first time I had put my art on display for 'all to see' in  a live art venue and, truthfully I vacillated daily from  'of course I won't place' to 'maybe I actually have a chance, but I'm determined not to be disappointed if nothing happens', to abject embarrassment at the very thought... Last night the fair opened and with the accompanying support of most of my family :) , off we went to the fair to check out 'Mums' work; and to ride the midway, of course!
Imagine my surprise when I rounded the corner into the fine arts displays and saw a third place ribbon on my portrait of my mother, 'Joan' (April)! I was totally happy with that! Then, I looked up and two pictures down hung the portrait of 'Lauren' (March) complete with a first place ribbon! Could it get any better? On the other side  of the wall were the acrylic entries and there, sporting yet another red, first place ribbon, was my "geraniums on a windowsill"(September) !
What an encouragement this was and an affirmation of my efforts...I can hardly wait 'til next year! :)

Geraniums on a widowsill

This is my second attempt at working with acrylics (18x24) and I am quite pleased at how it has turned out. As much as my favourite medium is graphite, this painting will keep me trying my hand  in the painting world...It makes me smile when I look at the bright red blooms on the old country kitchen window sill!

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Erika in the Snow

Summer seems to be a time when I don't spend much time in my studio; there's always something to do outside, it seems! Nevertheless, I did get a portrait done of my oldest daughter ( after much 'complaining' on her part that I hadn't done a recent one of her)  A snow portrait seems fitting for summer, and this one shows off her mischievous streak.